Equitable School Revolving Fund

Issuer Overview
Equitable School Revolving Fund

Issuer Type: Pool / Bond Bank / Conduit

Issuer Overview
Equitable School Revolving Fund

Issuer Type: Pool / Bond Bank / Conduit

Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

January 22, 2018 - User Image

On behalf of the Equitable School Revolving Fund (ESRF), I would like to welcome you to our BondLink investor relations website. ESRF holds proven, high-performing public charter school loans and offers investors an 'A' rated Revolving Loan Fund structure - one that is based off of best practices from the municipal securities market. ESRF also benefits from the extensive public charter school expertise carried by the team at Equitable Facilities Fund, the non-profit entity which serves as ESRF's Program Administrator.

I hope you find this website useful as you seek to better understand the credit and structural fundamentals of the Equitable School Revolving Fund. Please do not hesitate to contact me through email at anand@eqfund.org or by phone at (734) 730-1025 with any questions or suggestions.

Anand Kesavan, ESRF and EFF Founder & Chief Executive Officer